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Government and politics > Government > Insular > Organisms

Webs: 1-5 of 8 [Latest additions first | Alphabetical order]

  1. 1.

    Servei insular de neteja de platges

    Web page of the insular beach cleaning service, maintained by the Insular Council.

    Government and politics >> Government >> Insular >> Organisms

  2. 2.

    Centre de Capacitació i Experiències Agràries

    Technical Informative Bulletin by the Agricultural Training and Experimental Centre of Maó (Insular Council of Menorca).

    Government and politics >> Government >> Insular >> Organisms

  3. 3.

    Servei de promoció de la salut

    Health promotion service of the Insular Council of Menorca.

    Government and politics >> Government >> Insular >> Organisms

  4. 4.

    Reserva de Biosfera Menorca

    Web page of the Insular Council of Menorca dedicated to the Biosphere Reserve. The Unesco declared in 1993 the island of Menorca as a Biosphere Reserve.

    Government and politics >> Government >> Insular >> Organisms

  5. 5.

    Consell Econòmic i Social

    Consultative organisation of the Insular Council of Menorca for the participation of several groups in the matters that affect in the economic and social development of the island.

    Government and politics >> Government >> Insular >> Organisms


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